How to Hide Google AdSense Publisher ID ⚡ Playing with JavaScript

Did you know that anyone can detect all the websites you own just because of the ads you have in them? With this tool, you can hide your AdSense publisher ID.

Any competitor can find out what websites you own or are working on just by pasting your Publisher ID in some spying tools which could be a massive disaster for your businesses. 

Unfortunately, the Google AdSense team has been ignoring this and hasn’t updated the code to solve this issue yet although many clients have been complaining about this for years. 

The following generator will hide your AdSense publisher ID without altering its functionality and should camouflage you from 99% of the AdSense publisher ID detectors out there.

What is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is an advertising platform that helps website owners earn money from their websites by displaying contextually relevant ads. Adsense publishers receive 68% of the click cost and Google 32%.

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How does Google Adsense work?

Now that you have a better idea of what is AdSense, let’s see how to get started with AdSense. The process has two steps: Create an AdSense account, start displaying ads on your website, and get paid for clicks on your ads.

How to Create an Adsense Account?

Follow these Steps to Create Google Adsense Account:

Step 1 – Create an Account with Google AdSense

The first step is to go to the Google AdSense website and create an account. Your AdSense account is associated with a Google Account like the one you use to login to Gmail, youtube, etc.

Step 2 – Add Adsense ads to your website

Before being accepted to the program, Google needs to check that your website adheres to the AdSense guidelines. To pass this step, you need to add AdSense code to your site so that the Google crawler can access your website’s content.

This is a very important step because as we will see below there are cases that your application that may not be accepted.

During this step and until you are fully approved, AdSense ads are not shown to your website but are hidden by default. If your application is accepted, ads will start to show and you will get paid for the clicks.

Have in mind that this is a once-off process since after you are accepted as an AdSense publisher, you can run AdSense on any website you want (provided of course that it is not violating any AdSense rules).

Step 3 – Set up your payment information

The next and final process in the application process is to add your payment information so that you receive payment and the end of the month and once you passed the minimum threshold of $100.

Please note that before receiving any money from Adsense, Google will verify your postal address by sending you an envelope with a confirmation code so make sure that the details you provide for your postal address are correct.

How to Hide Google AdSense Publisher ID?

Follow the Steps to Hide Google AdSense publisher ID:

  • One way that I have seen this online is:
  • Creating a javascript file (AdSetup.js) with this:

  • And adding this code to the web page:

The above does sorta hide the code, but the file is still seen & accessible.

If You Want to Know More Click here👉.

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